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Summary of Plan Commission/ARB Meeting - Feb 3

Two commercial projects were reviewed at the Plan Commission/ARB meeting Feb 3. The first presentation was for an All Season Recreation Complex in Shaw Park. This facility will replace the existing ice rink and service building. The new ice rink will be larger, NHL size. But the underlying surface will also support year-round activities. The rink area will be protected by an open-air roof/canopy. The new support building will include locker rooms that will also service the adjacent tennis courts.

After considerable discussion the Plan Commission approved the Site Plan pointing out the project complies with the city master plan. The ARB did not approve the current design of the roof/canopy. They requested the design be revised to make it less ”massive”. Revised plans will have to be submitted for further review at a future meeting.

The second presentation was for Forsyth Point a commercial office building and parking structure. It will cover an entire half block bounded by Brentwood, Forsyth, Meramec and an alley. This area currently consists of surface parking and one-story commercial buildings along Forsyth. These will be demolished.

The new building will consist of two office towers connected by a parking structure. The east tower along Meramec will be 16 stories and the west tower along Brentwood will be 14 stories. The connecting parking structure will be six stories high with two levels below grade. The top of the garage will be finished for use by tenants and the public.

There were numerous comments from the ARB concerning various design features. While the agenda for this project included all of the necessary components for approval, it became clear early in the review no action would be taken at this meeting by either the PC or ARB. Plans and materials are still being submitted by the architect. Further design changes are expected based on feedback during the meeting.